The Bureaucracy of Vice
People don't need to belong, at least not in any absolute sense. Belonging is a transitory characteristic. What people truly need is an adversarial force, something both attractive and repulsive. It needs to be secret enough to allow for practically anybody to be a part of it, and known to the point that there is general awareness without general understanding. It must be a Devil of some kind.
The solution to this problem, the solution that gives people the force to fight against, to direct their animosity, is vice. A vice is a disapproved behavior that makes people happy. Because it makes people happy, potentially anybody could practice the given vice, and because it is disapproved, people will talk about it without having any true understanding of it. Vice is a mindset and a behavior - therefore, by understanding it a person would be tacitly approving of it.
The true beauty behind vice is that it, as a thing to be defined, can be controlled. One thing can be vice for a while, then come back into fashion in order to make room for other vices. Any given narcotic, behavior, expression, or activity can become a vice, provided it is of no great consequence to the operation of society one way or another.
Most importantly, the villification of certain behaviors or activities give people the opportunity to believe that they are becoming better. By casting off the illusory shackles of the "insidious" vice, a person feels as if they are in more control of their life, truth be where it may. Thus, people can the symptoms gain grasp and control over life without actually having it.
Provide what people hate, and they will love you.